Thursday, 28 March 2019

NEW Facebook LIVE and You Tube videos

I am so excited to announce that you can now find me live on Facebook and You Tube.

Each week I design a different set of simple cards for our coffee and card sessions.  I have finally decided to bite the bullet and showcase the making of these cards after all of the sessions are complete.  The idea behind this is:
  • It acts as a reminder if you have attended a session and want to refresh your memory
  • If you miss a session, you can catch up on the cards and see what we made
  • If you are too far away to attend, you can see in detail how we made the cards.

HOW can I watch you? can catch me on Facebook Live on my Jemini Crafts Facebook page every Monday afternoon (UK) at approx 5pm (GMT). 

Here you can watch me, comment and interact.  you can view previous videos by searching for #coffeeandcard. You can choose to be notified when I am posting LIVE from the Facebook settings.

Click on the image to go to my Facebook page now. can hop to my You Tube channel and see my latest videos there. Look for the keywords #coffeeandcard. Feel free to subscribe so you don't miss out on future videos.
Click on the image to go to my You Tube channel now. 

I hope you are able to join me during one of my forthcoming Facebook live sessions, look out for this image on Facebook:

 I would love any feedback from you regarding my new channel. 

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