Monday, 25 November 2013

European Convention - New product release

WOW - I am just back from our European Convention in Manchester and I have SO MUCH to share with you.

It was amazing from start to finish, and being Stampin' Up!'s 25th Anniversary, there were more freebies and goodies than ever. We had a sneak peek at lots of new products available early next year which I can't wait to share with you.

The first of our new product offerings is 'UNDEFINED'

This is a kit which enables you to create your OWN stamps, by carving them out of the rubber pieces supplied. The kit comes with everything you need to make 4 stamps, and there are refill kits available if you want to go on and do more.

Priced at just £17.95 for the starter kit, complete with 2 tools, the wooden blocks, Rubber and mounting foam, plus examples and instructions.

There is a video HERE to see how it works.

Here are some photos of samples we saw created at Convention:

If you fancy having a go, you can order the kits online or via email/phone to me. What a GREAT Christmas present for someone artistic.  Click on the photos below to order.
Undefined Stamp Carving Kit

Undefined Stamp Carving Refill Kit

That's all for the moment, but do pop back and see what else I have to share with you.

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