Saturday, 16 September 2017

BRAND NEW VENUE, near Banbury, Oxfordshire

I was delighted to be advised by a committee member at the Shutford Village Hall announcing that they were rebuilding their purpose built village hall, and letting me know that it would be perfect for card classes.

Most of my classes are currently based in Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire, so this was the perfect opportunity to expand my classes into North Oxfordshire. Shutford village is approximately 5 miles west of Banbury.

Taken from their website (c) fotofish, have a look at this stunning building.

We have class dates booked initially for October, November and January.

October (half term) dates - Christmas Card Making: 
Saturday 21st October 10am-12pm 3 spaces left
Monday 23rd October 10am-12pm 9 spaces left

Children are welcome to attend, they must be accompanied by an adult carer if under 12 years of age. Carer is FREE to attend if not taking the class.

You can also visit the Shutford Village website


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