Friday, 29 September 2017

BRAND NEW EVENT - All day crafting !

I am so excited for a new event which takes place this weekend. I am working in conjunction with 2 of my team (Karen and Tara) and running an all day crafting event at Evenley Village Hall, near Brackley, NN13 5RY.

We had all been asked by customers if we would run a longer event than the 2 hour classes we all currently run, so we decided to club together and do just that!.

It's called Let's Get Creative 2017 and runs Saturday 30th September 2017 10-4pm.

I can't give away too much, as the details and projects are top secret, but the day includes:
  • 3 classes with different demonstrators
  • Each class features a card design and a 3d project
  • Refreshments (tea/coffee/cake) all day
  • A goodie bag with more than £30 of Stampin' Up! product
  • A discount for ordering on the day.
  • A HUGE raffle
  • Prize patrols throughout the day (free gifts)
Here is a photo of just one of the class packs (deliberately not giving the game away!)

Numbers are strictly limited at this event, and all spaces (by invitation) were filled very quickly. I will be running another event in January - so if you would like to be on my priority list for invitation, please EMAIL ME.

I can't wait to share the projects and photos of the day in due course, but feel free to keep an eye on our activities on my Facebook page during the day.

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