Monday, 28 September 2015

A Worm of Robins !

I am reliably informed that the collective noun for more than one robin is a 'worm of robins' - doesn't sound too exciting for me though. I think I prefer a 'round of robins' or a 'breast of robins' as offered up by some other bird enthusiasts.

Anyway, I decided to use out Bird Builder punch today at Coffee and Card, to create some robins which were used to decorate a wreath on a handmade Christmas Card. 

Here were some of the results from the Towcester session.
 The wreath was made using the branches from the same punch, and the flowers or berries were added using some Real Red card punched out with either the small flower punch from the Itty Bitty Punches set or our small 1/4" circle punch.

These cards would also work in other colours to make a great birthday or new home card. The Hardwood stamp was used to create that fantastic wood background.

I am running a similar session this Wednesday in Brackley, Northamptonshire, UK if you would like to join us.

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