Sunday, 5 May 2013

A little bit about my family....

Good Afternoon and thank you for following my Blog.

I thought I would add a few postings about my family, just so that you can have a change from my Stampin' Up! news. I am lucky to be mum to my twins Joanne and William who will be 16 this year in September.


Jo is mad about all things 'horsey' and is a proud mum to 'Dubh' (pronounced Dove) an Irish Thoroughbred mare who will be 10 years old this year.

Here is Jo doing what she loves the most.

Jo likes many different disciplines in the riding world, including TREC, Jumping, Cross Country, Eventing and Hacking !

When Jo is not revising for school exams she can be found at our local yard doing her never-ending stable duties or riding her horse!


Thank you for reading this post.

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